Cnano, a leading innovator in the field of nanotechnology, made a significant contribution at the highly anticipated 30M meeting of the BIOMAC project, held in Ghent. The meeting, spanning two days from June 29th to 30th, was hosted by the esteemed organization BBEPP (Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant). During the […]
The LightCoce Project has reached a significant milestone as it concludes with a highly anticipated final review meeting at the premises of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Over the course, today and tomorrow, all project partners are gathering to present the remarkable advancements achieved throughout the project. This […]
Creative Nano participates in the 1st review meeting of BIOMAC project that takes place 21-22 of July in Greece, Thessaloniki and hosted by the project coordinator Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). Cnano presented the work that was implemented so far, related to the upgrades of the nanolignin (NL) pilot line, as well as […]
In the framework of the BIOMAC project, Vasilis Maris from AXIA Innovation visited yesterday the premises of Creative Nano (Sofia Makri, Katerina Mavronasou, Alex Grigoropoulos). Positioned at the very beginning of the value chain the new ultrasonicated assisted reactor pilot line of the company was demonstrated. AXIA will develop a Decision Support Tool that optimized Circular Business Models (CBM), […]
The kick-off meeting of the LightCoce H2020 project was held in Athens, on 23-24 January at the premises of the project coordinator, the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The project focuses on building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures. During this […]
Creative Nano participates in the LightCoce H2020 project focusing on building an Ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures. The project’s Kick-Off-Meeting will take place on the 23rd and 24thof January in Greece, hosted by National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Partners from 9 EU […]