Dr. Andreas Gondikas is a scientific advisor of Creative nano. He holds a chemical engineering degree from the NTUA (Greece, 2004) and a Masters in engineering management (2006) from Duke University (U.S.A., 2005). He then worked as a project engineer for MacConnell & Associates consulting company (U.S.A., 2006). In 2012, he defended his PhD thesis at Duke University on the role of sulfhydryl-containing low molecular weight ligands for the environmental fate of zinc sulfide and metallic silver nanoparticles. Following his thesis, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in six European and national research programs at the University of Vienna (Austria, 2012 – 2016) and University of Gothenburg (Sweden, 2016 – 2017). He has more than 70 scientific publications and presentations in conferences and has been awarded the “rising star in environmental nanosciences” award in memory of Prof. Steve Klaine (2017).