We are happy to announce the distinguished participation of our CEO, Alexandros Zoikis-Karathanasis, as the representative of Creative Nano, at the 1st International Conference on Lightweight Materials. This prestigious event was organized by the LightMe project and took place at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy, spanning the dates of […]
3 posts
Creative Nano attending the 5M Consortium Meeting of FreeMe project, hosted by Politecnico di Milano, where we presented our work concerning a new proposed free of Cr6+ and Pd plastic metallization process. Preliminary results, proposed experimental design and the plan for the upscaling of the process, also covered in the […]
Creative Nano attended to 41 M consortium meeting held in Politecnico di Milano, where we presented our work concerning the development and validation of the remote purification pilot line for spent electrolytic baths. Our presentation consisted of the installation of the pilot line, upgrades occurred during the development process and […]